Sunday, December 29, 2013

Days 1054 - 1096 (End of the year post)

What can I say about 2013?  this is the 3rd year of creating daily and it has changed my life completely. Not only have my skills improved but I had the confidence to take charge and make changes and take chances. This holiday season was the best ever since Sis and I got together and became Moon Sirens.
The jewelry side of my creativity is doing amazingly well, my name pendants were a big hit!  Yes and my rubber band bracelets too :)
I know I had promised to keep up better with the blog, but the shows got in the way and if I have a choice to create or write I always choose creating.

Before I post pictures from this past month  of creating, I would like to thank everyone who supported and cheered me on this year,Cosmos Philly  for the beautiful article they did on my artistic journey, Coty Perfumes and Shoprite super market for hiring me as a vendor and all the wonderful people who came to my shows, visited my website and my etsy store .  All of your love and support have given me the courage to continue creating daily one more year! My goals will change slightly and this time i will not promise to write blogs even weekly. But I will keep everyone updated.

I cannot believe that on Tues Dec 31st I would be creating for 1096 days straight (and yes because I am so good at math i realized I was about 10 days off in my counting LOL) !!!
Here are some of the many creations I made during the end of November and all of December.

Early this morning I finished my Sugarskull painting

Day 1094  12/29/2013
Why so blue?   Acrylic on canvas 11x14

Stage one
Stage 2

Stage 3
Stage 4

Finished painting

Custom Orders
Custom Orders
Custom order
Coty  Macy's at Lehigh Valley Mall  
For the Coty Macy's Center City show
custom Order
Custom Order
Day 1091 12/26/13
New Rings!!!

Will update with pictures of creations for the next 2 days :)
Thank you all and have an Amazing 2014!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Days 1007 - 1050 Catching up again!

Hi all,
and once again I didn't post even weekly here but have been updating most of my work on FB.
October was an awesome month, with lots of preparation and new inspirations.
I didn't have luck  with the Paris exhibition but I had so much fun campaigning and having all of my friend's and family's support. My paintings also didn't make it into the small treasures exhibition this year.  Ahhh... I have to say this is the first time I am feeling like all my fellow artists who were not understood for their point of view!  On to more exciting things.

Both months I have taken tons of pictures of moon, sunrises, sunsets and nature. Big energy painting was completed and am working on 3 smaller paintings, one of them being a self portrait of my sugar skull I was for Halloween

This past week I have been hit with a bad cycle of insomnia. I am sure this is very common among creative people. So it has affected me, but it also has boosted my creativity. I just miss sleep.

Tomorrow starts the month of non Stop shows:
10-6pm St. Xavier  Holiday Bazaar  24th and Wallace

Dec 7&8 Greensgrow Holiday Bazaar

Dec 14  Shoprite

Dec 15 Greensgrow Holiday Bazaar

Dec 20&21  Macy's Coty counter Stores to TBD

Release  Acrylic on canvas  36x24

Painted my face for the Walking Dead  Event at the Art museum and won 2nd place :)

The Governor really looked the part

Halloween 2013  

Sugar skull 

wip !

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Days 947- 1006 Busy Bee... or butterfly?

I miss blogging and posting my creations more often but life has a way of dictating what takes priority.
August was a blur with all the campaigning for the Art takes Paris event. I still don't have the results - I should find mid Oct so I am practicing patience.
The past 2 weeks have been filled with tons of Creativity as I was hired by Macy's  Coty perfumes to create jewelry to give as gifts to the customers who purchase various perfumes.  I was able to come up with a wire butterfly design to complement the Honey Marc Jacobs bottle.  I had a great time Last Saturday at KOP and looking forward for a wonderful day tomorrow in Center City.

I also had the pleasure to participate at a Shoprite event to help eliminate hunger. I was hired as one of the vendors in the event and made really fun and apparently extremely popular Rubber band bracelets! They were a big hit and will be going back for more events :D

I am still working on the big painting, which is still untitled. I have also 2 more canvases waiting to come alive in the energy series. I am very excited too that I found a wonderful new application on my phone that allows me to paint on the go :) Yes I know it is small scale but it's painting on the go, without worrying about supplies -ok only battery life!

Here are some highlights of the past 2 mos

September 28 2013  Day 1001
King Of Prussia Macy's Marc Jacobs event.

Embracing Yellow 

Hidden Within - digital painting

Slow burning fire deep inside - digital painting

My Paintings made the frong page of the Philadelphian Voice!!


September Sunrise 

Rubber band bracelets!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Days 848- 946 Yes- still creating daily

I keep on saying that one of these days I will get it - that I cannot manage time, but only my activities. As you can see, I am not doing so well with this concept LOL. So .. I haven't posted in a few months (hanging head in shame) because I did not manage my activities appropriately and my art blog suffered.

During this time I have continued to create daily. I completed my 4 paintings for the Philadelphian Art Show, participated in the All Creatures juried exhibition at Beauty Art Gallery and the Philadelphian Art show. I have made new "skully" Hand braided Shambala bracelets in different colors ( available at )  lots of photos and working on 3 new pieces of art for my "energy series".

These past 3 years have been really interesting. One different New year's resolution has brought so many changes in my life, for the better. I didn't realize that my wanting to paint/create every day  would seep into the rest of my life and improve all areas. I am in much better health, shape and spiritual comfort than I have ever been.  I am taking more chances and facing fears one by one. And in the midst of all of these I am finding a strong artistic voice.  Don't get me wrong- every step scares me and freaks me out. What if my creations don't find an audience, what if people don't get my point of view. What if I am no good...
The list goes on and on.  I am choosing to silence the voices. I am choosing to venture in areas I haven't before. And because of this- July was really rough. I had to go to some deep emotional waters that I would have rather not. It hasn't been easy, but I do pray that when I get to the other side that it will free me from the chains that have been holding my spirit and creativity down and let me fly.
In the meant time, I am asking for all the people that I know to help me get to Paris to exhibit my works and get Grant money for my Art.  Go to and click vote. You have to sign up with them but it is for a good cause... :D ME!!! I so want to do this

So since I didn't post for all this time, I will not add all the pictures but some highlights.
My goal now till the end of the year is to be able to find a way to manage my activities so I have time to at least post on my Art blog once a week. 3 mos of no posting is not acceptable and it causes blocks in my creativity.

April-May Days 848 -881
Mother's day at Macy's

 Finished the 4 paintings for the Philadelphian Art Show!
In His Hands Now - Acrylic on canvas
I am Free- Acrylic on Canvas
Cosmic Love - Acrylic on Canvas

Up in the Air - Acrylic on canvas

June Days 882-911
Me at the All Creatures Exhibition with my Painting "Behind the Glass"

Me with my "Energy series" Paintings at the Philadelphian Art Show

 My "Skully" hand knotted bracelets!

A picture from one of the buyers wearing the bracelet!
July Days 912 - 942
At the Produce place

Eakins Oval all lit up

The Tempest at Clark Park

Encountering beauty everywhere

Oscar Drying after his bath
Aug Days 943-946
Working on the big Painting again - still untitled 

Hand painted glasses by my sis for the wedding shower 

We are so professional! Wrapped up with a hand painted card from sis
