Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 120 4 months!

Time sure flies!  4months gone already. I am usually really chipper when I reach mile stones like today's but this week was really hard on my sensitive soul.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119 Almost there

What a frustrating week. Today had a wonderful start with sis waking up at 5:30am along with me to watch the Royal wedding. It was fun, we had tea and enjoyed the event.  Then things just... went downhill. I am blessed to have wonderful co-workers who helped me make it through.  Now as I sit here, I am filled with disappointment. I am a firm believer that you do your work as if other people's lives depended on it. I am dependable, hard working, learn fast and great at following instructions. Today I was let down. Of course I won't give up- I never do. But this is the first time in my life that I feel I don't have the energy to fight. And mediocre work is not in me.
Why can't people appreciate good people and good work?
I am hopeful that all this opposition is just the universe preparing me for great things, bigger than what I have ever dreamed of. And I am definitely ready for that.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118 The rainbow

The day kept on getting progressively worse. Email after email and call after call... I saw my prospects dwindle down to nothing. I went for a walk and then the rain hit.  I came home and as I was reflecting about how things are... the rainbow appeared. It was a full rainbow but my camera couldn't capture it.

After the storm
I am ready to go to bed, will probably wake up early to watch the wedding and contemplate whether to throw my wii console against the wall... or figure how to fix it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 117 Feeling Blue

I woke up at 5:30am for the start of my day with a splitting headache.  I stayed in bed most of they day and slept... the headache feels better now but it's still there. Probably weather related and crossing fingers it is such.
Blue is my favorite color.. and I use it often. I do actually have this blue Ikea lamp that I love because it makes everything look blue..  Looking at the painting now.. I should have made the background  behind the vase a bit darker. I still like the results.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 116

I woke up at 5:30 and watched another amazing sunrise.
Awe inspiring
And today's painting
Can you tell i had fun?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 115

We went from freezing .. to a heatwave. I live in a building that the air and heat are controlled by the whole building so..tonight I am HOT. On top of that... I am not too thrilled with some prospects that are coming up in a couple of weeks..
This too shall pass.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 114 Happy Easter!

Xristos Anesti!  The feast is over and now can relax.  I did my painting at the Easter dinner. Of course... the red eggs :)  Woke up really early and caught the sunrise too...
Easter Sunrise

Pasxa 2011
Last night it rained at midnight. I thought it was a great sign that God was overexcited that most of us were celebrating Easter at the same time, second year in a row... and it happens only every 800 years!

Day 113 Dealing with unexpected issues...

Ok.. so the back is still bothering me and working with EFT to manage it (emotional freedom technique -also called tapping, if you are dealing with something that won't go away take a look at it at and check out Brad Yates on youtube. It's like acupuncture without the needles :)  I love it)  and to top it off, I wasn't at home and couldn't do my blog from my phone (which makes no sense) and apparently my photo didn't upload on Facebook. So here it its today... Χριστός Ανέστη! Happy Easter to all.
I am feeling a bit stressed with everything right now. I have been trying to figure out the lower back pain, because I don't have any back problems... So there is an issue that I am holding on that won't let me move freely. It could be as simple as panicking of letting go (as I am working on my body), fear of the future (work is really unbalanced right now) or lack of abundance ...  I had no model or idea about the painting, it just flowed freely from my hands.  
Ready to enjoy the feast today!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 112

My back was really hurting me today, continuation from yesterday. I didn't sleep at all last night, because of the pain... and had a full day of showing properties.  I survived just fine, though the pain interfered. And then it rained again...
April Showers
I miss spring. I am sure that we are going to go straight to summer this year.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 111

A nice breezy day, and work was much calmer. I felt content and happy.
A Spring Breeze

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 110 Dealing with emotions

Today was a very difficult day at work. We had a flood next door to us, and as we all tried to help out, a certain member of our company snapped at all of us. I got it first  as I had to call him and ask where the main water shut off was... I don't need to go into details but most of us got a part of his wrath and it affected our day. Of course when things calmed down there were no apologies for the tude - but instead he thought it would be great to make jokes about it. *sigh
Why don't people get it that when there are emergencies, one doesn't need to be put down like that- they need a leader and direction. Well its over with now, and it is sad that we all had to go through it.

I became Angry
Taking deep breaths and hoping that tomorrow will have more calm people around me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 109 Having fun

I have been eying this for a few days and finally today I took the liberty to draw it.
Voodoo Doll
Good VooDoo
LOL! It's a good Voodoo Doll. I by accident moved it around so the angle is off in the picture of the doll.
It was tons of fun to draw.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 108 Almost Easter

Busy week and looking forward to the upcoming Easter festivities.  Inspired from that I drew the lilly plant.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 107 Painting

I had a rough morning, as I had a dream that confused me and made me wake up feeling sad. The sadness stayed with me most of the day, and even Zumba didn't help me. But I didn't let that stop me. As I had promised myself today I painted and took my Day 102 drawing and put it on canvas. I used acrylics and  even though the drawing is black and white I gave it a touch of color.
Drawing of "today it rained"
Acrylic painting "today it rained"
today's full moon
I am very happy with the result :) What do you think?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 106

Changes... I am delaying them and it makes no sense because its inevitable that they will happen. So why stall?

Tomorrow I get to PAINT!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 105

Barely made it today, even though my creation was completed a few hours ago. No complaints, as I had a very nice day at work, and the evening was spent with good friends and yummy Thai food. MMMM Green Thai Curry Chicken.
Time for bed!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 104

Oh my. It was one of those days. My body didn't want to move this morning, the computer at worked crashed and I lost all the work I had done for the day...
Love yourself
Heading to bed early expecting tomorrow to be a much better day :D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 103 more long days

Waking up at 5:30 am make the days seem longer. I am  exhausted, but happy.
So I am off to bed, but first here is my creation of the day.
one of those days

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 102 taxes... yuck

I woke up and caught a glimpse of the sun. GORGEOUS!
New Day
And then the clouds moved in and the rain started...

clouds before the storm
I loved the cloud formations though. Yesterday and today have been very emotional days. Not sure why, but they have been filled with confrontations and  arguments,and going to the accountant for Taxes but I made it through. Spent an extended period both days meditating. It has helped. Taxes- numbers hence not a favorite task. *sigh*

Today it Rained
This one will be my next painting :D I loved it when I am creative!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101 Feelings

I am so Angry.  I don't want to go into details but I am surrounded by people who affect me in a negative way. The more I am focusing on my self the more they appear. I know that means they represent the demons I have to fight and conquer but come on... give me a break. Non stop fighting? Anyway, I am feeling a bit beat down by all these confrontations.  I need sleep.

I would like to state to the universe, that I get it. I know what you are trying to teach me.
Time to move me on to the next level. Thank you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe that I have been doing this for 100 days!  The toughest part is fitting everything in 16 hours (even though i usually only sleep 4-6).  Being organized and on a schedule goes so against my nature. I love night time, messiness and going with the flow. One of my favorite quotes is"Tomorrow is another day". But reaching goals and taking care of one's self  takes organization and strong focus.
I feel like a flower that is blooming. I have never been this creative or have felt this good about myself. I am making me and my passions a priority and it has totally changed my life and am excited about all the possibilites that lie ahead.


I am not there yet, I still have 265 days left. But I am well on my way of reaching my goal.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 99 Keeping strong

I am really tired but happy. I got everything in I needed to do today  and lots of movement. :D
And the sun was out !
the sun!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98 Out late

and then no parking... Grrr... 
Did a quick sketch at the diner
More tomorrow.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 97 Making it through

So ok,  I am making changes, and heading in the right direction. And it is said that when you are heading in the right direction that opposition usually appears, as a test or indicator that you are about to grow in whatever capacity is necessary (emotionally, mentally,physically)  Well I must be somewhere special because I don't remember having my patience, perseverance or stamina challenged so much. I made it through another day, and bracing myself for what tomorrow will have to bring to my doorstep.
ahh... the universe.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 96 One of those days

Again? I don't even want to try to figure out what is the cause of all this craziness.
But the start to the morning was great! looky look!
Sun Salutation
The day progressively got more challenging  but I made it through. Being cold in the office I kept on visualizing being somewhere warm...
Where I want to be
Is it August yet?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 95 Surprise!!!!!

Ohhhhh the Ipad visited me again today. So I took full advantage and let my fingers have fun.
Tongue Tied

In your arms
I cannot wait till the painting programs have a bit more flexibility and more color choices.
But it is so much fun to have something portable that is easy and hassle free.  It has been  an unexpected  pleasant breeze in my artistic journey.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 94 Separation anxiety

24 hours with the ipad .. and now I say goodbye ...  I will miss it .
The day was filled with excitement as my steps towards making my Art a way of living is getting closer.
I will have more details later...
out of control
So until next time Ipad... i will have the fondest memories *sigh

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 93 Ahhh I pad

My Friend came over and let me play with her Ipad. She  gave me free reign to download whatever I wanted but she mostly gave it to me so I can paint on it. I am addicted.

My Brain on Ipad


I can't even imagine how dangerous I would be carying one of these around.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 92 Hmmm

Ahh long day. Confusion, unpredictability and executive decisions. The most relaxing part of my day was when the brush was in my hand ...
Looking forward to Tomorrow.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 91 Where am I going?

The past few days I have said that I was feeling uninspired but my work shows the opposite. I think the issue has been too much thinking. On many levels. Thinking about how perfect something should be, what to pick as a subject, by when to finish it, what to name it... what is the next project, next step...
and feeling like everything is Up in the Air. 
Up in the Air
It's tough to trust the Universe, let go, just relax and go with the flow.
But it's worth the try.