Saturday, April 11, 2015

Things falling into place

It has been a while since I wrote here. The excuse is always that I am "busy", which is a true statement but I have time to watch all my favorite shows so....

The new year has been filled with excitement. Shows at Lord and Taylor and Macy's. Lot's of custom orders, learning new skills and taking more risks. I love the results and learned tons from the mistakes I made along the way.  The most important one is - the right tools make your life easier. Never knew what a Ring clamp or wire bobbin were and now I do and my fingers thank me for that.

Finally this month I was able to get the final details done and I have moved and updated my website, updated my fine art america, and etsy store. It took a lot for me to let go of my Yahoo account, but took the plunge and love the more streamlined look of the new one. Much easier to tweak and connect directly to my other sites.  :D

Website:   (if you see anything not working, please message me!)


Fine Art America:

There are some project that I am working on and the Art show at the Philadelphian that is coming up and I have a couple of paintings that I will work on in the next couple of weeks.  Also A few shows coming up at Macy's for Mother's day week. Stay tuned for the specific dates, locations and times!

Till later,