Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 179

Mirror mirror on the wall

Dragon's lair
Enchanted Forrest

New Ipad drawing application.  Can you tell i enjoyed it?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 178 a good day

It went by pretty fast and with no major events. Work was pretty calm considering the pending move. Hope tomorrow is just as nice.All I know is that something good is coming :D

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 177

Was looking at the sky and started thinking ( I know a dangerous task) of who is looking at it at the same moment...
Lost among the stars

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 176

In the midst of this day I just wanted to be a mermaid...  So.. I dyed my hair LOL  for a boost.
Still miffed at Clairol for discontinuing my color (raspberry creme) but Garnier had Pomegranate color that turned out really nice, So i think I found my new color! And yes- I am RED hot!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 174 Thinking

Thinking a lot about people and how they are.  Everyone  and everything. Especially men. How they appear like knights and end up being  ....  need I say more?
The Wishing Well

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 174 Wii gone again

Yep the refurbished one had to be returned...  kept on shutting off.
The office looks as if a tornado hit it... makeshift walls down, boxes all over, can't wait till the move in a week.
Quick sketch for today as mother nature let me down. I was expecting a lovely lightning show , camera on tripod ready to go and nothing. It will probably happen at 3 am.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 173

After a full day and working out I made a quick little painting and off to bed.
Still life

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 172 Feeling loved

By Toni the lovebird that is. She has been calling for me all day and finally for the first time in the 3 years that she has been with me she spent 10 min with me , sitting on my shoulder and not flying away. A vast improvement. She still ended up flying away but she didn't make me chase her, she allowed me to catch her immediately and put her back in her cage.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 171

Wanted to draw something calming and a FB ad helped me out.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 170 Happy Father's Day

Had a wonderful day with the parents and Dad was the center of attention. In between the coffees and meals I went to pick up my paintings, and did some sketches that I later on used my ink and watercolors to complete.  I chose the east wall, right where the kitchen meets the dining room.  Drew the Iconostasis (Icon holder) and I have a hand bronze scale with fruit in it hanging between the kitchen and dining room.
Eikonostasio (iconostasis)

Heavy weight

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 169 Outside

I sat at my parents terrace today and did some sketches:
Museum (correct distance)
Museum (zoom in view)
The pool
The 2 art museum sketches were the actual work today the other 2 were warm ups.  The Museum one that is closer was my first sketch. Then I did the actual distance one and I feel it looks better.

Day 168 ( Friday June 17, 2011) The Art Show

Anthee (@StardustLuna) pre show with the pin she stole from me!

Sister's Paintings


The Proud Parents



Day 168 creation

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 167 Recycling

Mom has these gorgeous fish earrings that are way too big for her. She wanted me to wear them but clip earrings bother me. So I thought I would make them into a gorgeous big pin.

It is setting right now so I will take a picture tomorrow to show how it looks worn but I am thinking I won't return this to mommy and keep it for services rendered!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 166 I felt the eclipse

Plus the full moon. I was grateful for people who posted pictures as we didn't get to see it on the East coast. Typical full moon drama around too all around -thank goodness it was around and not ME!  I enjoyed a yummy cup of coffee on the terrace this evening and did some sketching again :
The View

The pots
Full moon

Full Moon

And a beautiful view as I enjoy the end of a long day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 165 Same all...

Office will be moving probably 4th of July weekend. Today they moved my desk and a few others to the new space. Tough to concentrate, but got a lot done.  Spent a wonderful evening with BFF and Sis and ran late for my creativity LOL but here it is:
still life

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 164 Feeling down

I hope its because of the upcoming full moon and lunar eclipse that I am feeling this way. But I couldn't shake it off today. I am beating myself up  for not paying attention. Not paying attention to when I feel sleepy, when I am hungry or when I just need a break. I don't hear the signals because my mind is cluttered with fears, with what ifs...  and it never ends. Today I was upset that my alarm didn't go off in time for me to fit in my Zumba, and then because I didn't pack enough healthy foods and ate pretzels at work (the soft kind). After that I spiraled  :(   So I am heading off to bed a bit earlier so I can get myself back on track.
My sister thought that was a 3 year old - point made.
I am pretty sure that is a chocolate demon... *sigh*

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Days 157- 163 A week of creativity

Busy busy week. I didn't have a chance to write the blog about them but posted everyday on FB the creations. I also went to AC for a day and it was a much needed break but still created :) 

Day 157

Day 158
time to meditate

Day 159
Looking up

Day 160

On the way to AC

Day 161

Fallen asleep


Day 162
Dancing waters

Green corner

Day 163
Sunny Day
