Saturday, June 30, 2012

Days 175 - 182 Hot end to June

How hot you say?  Heat index over 100 degrees. Yet that didn't stop me from venturing out and about the city (yeah I know my job requires me to do that).  And now June is over , with a bang having instagram, netflix & pinterest crash!!!
I had tons of fun doing the instagram challenge with the photo of  the day, and will do it for July too.  Here are the days I didn't have the chance to post.

Day 175 6-23-12
Day 23 Movement

Day 176 6_24_12
Day 24  On my mind (Eric Northman)

happy clouds :)

Day 177  6_25_12
Day 25  Cute

Day 178 6_26_12
Day 26  where I shop

It's going to be hot!
 Day 179 6_27_12
Day 27  Bathroom
Day 180 6_28_12
Day 28  on the shelf  - my handmade jewelry!

Enchanted City

Pit stop

Never on time

William Penn

Sparkly beads

Day 181 6_29_12
Day 29  Soft

Another hot one

Mosquito Visitor
Day 182 6_30_12
Day 30  a friend : My BFF, my Sister!!!

Sky becoming overcast
Looking forward to a fun July

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 174 Another hot one

It was very hot and humid today. And by 7pm the rain came which turned into thunderstorms that are continuing. Beautiful lightning show at my display but seems each strike waits till after i pressed my camera. 
The rain is here

Reduced Visibility

Day 22 From a high angle

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 173 Where I slept

Where I slept was the title of today's photo challenge. Debated on making my bed but decided to throw caution to the wind and just take it as it looked when I got up. Yes, I turn around in my sleep because I dream almost every night and it feels like I travel so I mostly wake up tired. Right before I go to sleep I make sure my bed is tidy.. and wake up to a mess! I like to sleep with a lot of pillows too. Issues from childhood but as an adult I can have as many damn pillows I want!  I usually have matching sheets and pillowcases, but this week was my shabby chic style with everything thrown together.
Shows how much I have relaxed as I have gotten older :D
Day 21  where I slept
So you can see my tv remote and ipod. Not pictured, my phone, book and kindle that reside next to me too. How did I exist without all this technology before, I don't want to remember.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 172 Heat wave & sweet memories

Today the heat index reached 105 degrees in Philadelphia. Was wishing for icies and ice cream all day long, but ended up not eating either. Instead I had coffee.

Today's pic of the day was "favorite picture you've taken". If you know me then you realize what a tough choice that is as I have a few awesome shots. But I chose the one of the youngest feathered babies. Its of course a picture of a picture here, but I will find the original somewhere -as I had painted it last year.  I feel that the picture captures the playful nature and the love these 2 birds share.

The story behind the adoption of the birdies goes like this. Almost 6 years ago my beloved Alexia (peach faced lovebird) suddenly passed away after being with me for 11 years. The 2 parakeets my sis had were so depressed with the loss that they stopped eating and singing. So off to the pet store we  went, were I saw the 2 playful cockatiels. Since I lived in a condo, I couldn't get both so I took the grey one home. For a week Emmy didn't eat or sing. Wasn't sure if she even had any water...  the parakeets on the other hand snapped out of their depression as they were curious with the new visitor.
Well I didn't want another dead bird, so I took her back to the store, and said that the bird was either sick or must have been attached to it's cage mate. At that point I found out that the 2 birds shared the cage for 3 moths! so I begged them to put Emmy back in the cage, and when Emmy was reunited with Oscar  they ran to each other and the wrapped their wings around each other .They were so happy to be together.It was such a beautiful sight.
Needless to say,  I returned home with both of them:)
Day 20   - fave picture   Oscar and Emmy Playing

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Days 171 & 172 I saw a Duck

in the sky!  I pointed it out to my company and they all agreed :)
Took mom's old wreath (that I had done a couple of years ago) removed the old flowers and used whatever was leftover from mom's wreath and made it mine :D My bow is less impressive in size than her's but I am really pleased with the result :D

Day 170
Duck clould

My wreath

Day 18  - Something you don't know about me ;)
 Day 171
Day 19 #imperfect

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 169 Door Decor

Spent most of the day with the parents for Father's day.  It was really nice and had lunch at our place and then coffee in the afternoon. While we were watching CNN to find out how the elections in Greece went ( we have lots of family there) I started on making a wreath for mom. We had bought the flowers a couple of weeks ago so it was the perfect time.
Mom was thrilled with the final outcome- hanging on her door already :D

Day 17  what's in my bag

working on the wreath

The finished product

on the door

Bonus for mom, a flower pin :D

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 168 Transit tresspasser

While on the bus at one of the stops, a big Moth flew in and decided to cozy up next to me. Not sure where it got off, but it sure looked snug and comfy getting a free ride :)
Drinking a frappe on the terrace
Wispy Clouds
Free rider Moth
Day 16 Out and about

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 167 Frappe and a Heart Cloud!

What a gorgeous day in Philadelphia today. Went with sis to her therapy and took advantage of the cloud opportunities between the tall buildings. Afterwards headed to Zorba's to have an ice cold Frappe when I spotted a Heart cloud!  I took a pic and tried to cross the street to avoid having the power lines in the frame... but there was too much traffic so lines it is :D
Heart Cloud!

Ice cold Frappe

Clouds and skyscraper

In between

Day 15 - Yellow

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 166 God was Painting today

God's masterpiece

Partly sunny
Sometimes I am in awe with what I see and hope that my phone camera can capture it. Today it for sure did.
Day 14 - Time
This was my interpretation of time... remaining :D