Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 362-365 Fun in wintry Philly

What an exciting few days leading to the end of the year. The quick snow storm gave me some photo ops to feed my instagram obsession :D

Day 362 12_27_12
Elephant walk

out of water
Day 363 12-28_12

Full Moon
Day 364 12_29_12
snow white :P


Talkback session at 1812 productions


waiting for eternity

Through the snow sky

Holding strong
Day 365 12_30_12
Nocturnal Oscar

Office holiday Party

Dad and I at the Holiday party :D

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your art and photos. Great pics: you as Snow White. Oscar. You and your dad. Love 'em!
    Happy New Year Venetia...and Anthee!
